Dance with a Teapot Today
Ok. Today, you are going to learn a new dance. For that, some people think you need music. It’s not true. Being aware of where you are in space and time, of the reach of your outstretched arm, and the weight of your hand as it moves through space, they’re all just as much dance…
Read MoreWelcome to the 21st Century
Historians like to tell us that the 19th century came to an end with the First World War. 1914 or 18, you take your pick but either way it’s not 1900. Similarly, the 18th century ended at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. In which case, when did the 20th century end? If it wasn’t…
Read MoreMeeting out on the WWW
One of my favourite theories is that one reason many of the artists and makers I know become a little eccentric is that they spend too much time working with only their insecurities for company. It’s not good for them and it certainly isn’t good for me. So, when I discovered the Kiln Rooms, I…
Read MoreSawdust firing
Last night I pulled a handful of the burnished terracotta apples and pears I’ve being making out of the smouldering ashes of my sawdust firing. They were black and shiny, and I was pleased as Punch. One or two friends asked me how it’s done, so, at the risk of teaching an awful lot…
Read MoreSad Days
These are sad days. The C-Word has struck. I’m back home thumb twiddling rather than throwing so I’ve been looking at old work and realising why I’ve never kept a diary. It’s because sooner or later the person you are now must confront the person you were then. It’s not a comfortable experience. That said,…
Read MoreTalking pots
A few years ago I wrote the story below. Since then I’ve started making pots again but apart from that I think it still works. I hope you like it. It’s close to 50 years since I decided I wanted to make pots for a living and 30 since my CV was muddled by references…
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